Diazyme Syrup

55 230

SKU: N/A Category:


Each 5ml Contains
Belladonna Ø 0.125 ml
Carica Papaya Ø 0.200 ml.
Abis Canadensis Ø 0.100 ml.
Cinchona Officinalis Ø 0.100 ml.
Pulsatilla Nigricans Ø 0.100 ml.
Robina Pseudocacia Ø 0.150 ml.
Aegel Marmelos Ø 0.100 ml
Natram Carbonica 1X 0.50 mg.
Magnesia Carbonicum 1X 0.50 mg
Natrum Muriaticum 1X 0.50 mg.
Alumina 2X 100 mg.
Syrup 0.5 ml.
Flavor 0.005 ml
Caramel Colour 0.05 ml
Purified Water Q.S.
Alcohol Content 10.98 % v/v.

Helps nearly in all cases of digestive disturbances and failures . Stimulates
the digestive system to bring about adjustments of malabsorption and maldigestion syndroms . It helps to relieve acidity , liver complaints all sorts of dyspepsia , intestinal fermentation , irritation , distention & habitual constipation .

Adult – 2 tea spoonful Children : 1 tea spoonful twice daily before meals or as directed by the the physician.

Additional information


100ml, 200ml, 450ml, 60ml