Coldex Syrup

55 230

SKU: N/A Category:


Each 5ml Contains
Justicia Adhatoda Ø 0.200 ml.
Ocimum Sanctum Ø 0.150 ml.
Drosera Rotundifolia Ø 0.125 ml.
Mentha Piperita Ø 0.050 ml.
Bryonia Alba Ø 0.100 ml.
Belladonna Ø 0.100 ml.
Ipecacuanha Ø 0.100 ml.
Zingiber OfficinalisØ 0.050 ml
Ammonium Muriaticum 1X 500 mg.
Caffainum 1X 250 mg.
Calcarea Phosphoricum 1X 250 mg.
Syrup 0.5 ml.
Flavor 0.005 ml
Caramel Colour 0.05ml
Purified Water Q.S.
Alcohol Content 11.51 % v/v.

An ideal and most ethical expectorant in relieving from acute and chronic coughas well cold too, also effective in irritating and even allergic cough clegantly , liquefies unprovided dried cough and tenacious mucus , properly stimulates bronchial secretion .

1 or 2 tea spoonful three to four times a day or as directed by the physician

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100ml, 200ml, 450ml, 60ml