Baby Vite Syrup

60 80

SKU: N/A Category:


Each 5ml Contains
Alfalfa Q 0.150ml
Avena Sativa Q 0.150ml
Chamomilla Q 0.125ml
Andrographis Paniculata Q 0.050ml
Chelidonium Majus Q 0.150ml
Cina Q 0.100ml
Withania Somnifera Q 0.050ml
Aethusa Cynapium Q 0.050ml
Hydrastis Can. Q 0.050ml
Sarsaparilla Q 0.050ml
Kali Phosphoricum 1X 0.150mg
Mag Phos 1X 0.150mg
Nat Phos 1X 0.150mg
Calc Phos 1X 0.150mg
Ferrum Phos 1X
Syrup And Flavor – Q.S
Alcohol Content – 11.68%

An outstanding tonic for babies suffering from liver troubles . It may be recommended for rickets, grinding of teeth, stomach pains and osteomaicis. It vitalies the liver and cover vitamin deficiencies . Above all it helps to make babies healthy and bonny.

10-15 Drops 5 years and Above 30-40 drops with water twice daily or as directed by the physician.

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100ml, 60ml