Asoka Special Syrup

130 240

SKU: N/A Category:


Each 5ml Contains
Jonosia Ashoka Ø 0.200 ml.
Abroma Augusta Ø  0.125 ml.
Aletris Farinosa Ø  0.100 ml.
Cynodon Dactylon. Ø  0.100 ml.
Coca Ø  0.075 ml
Fraxinus Americana. Ø 0.025 ml.
Pulsatilla Nigricans Ø 0.050 ml.
Terminalia Chebula Ø  0.050 ml.
Viburnum Opulus  Ø  0.050 ml.
Withania Somnifera Ø 0.050 ml.
Ferrum Phosphoricum 1X  500 mg.
Caclaria  Phosphoricum1X  500 mg.
Acidum Phosphoricum Q   0.05 ml
Syrup  1.5 ml.
Flavor 0.005 ml
Caramel Colour   0.05 ml
Purified Water  Q.S
Alcohol Content – 10.06 % V/V

Irregular and scanty flow of menses , Dysmenorrhoea , Amenorrhoea , Menorrhoea Leucorrhoea and all types of uterine troubles . It also improve calcium & iron deficiency.

Two tea Spoonful thrice daily with water before meal or as directed by physician .

Additional information


200ml, 450ml